Thursday, January 7, 2010

A spoon full of sugar......

......helps the medicine go down! As I type this, I can see Mary Poppins in all her glory - white dress with the red lace and crinolines, singing happily - or memories of my mother saying this as she encouraged me to look on the bright side of some task that I found mundane. So, in my effort to approach this new decade with a more positive, carefree attitude, I have decided to create this blog......a place, where in my own way, I can write about, and focus on the things in my life that help me deal with the mundane. Hence, my bowl of sugar!!
I have never been one to "put myself out there" - believe it or not! I'm a talker. There's no doubt about that, but I cringe whenever I'm put in the position where big groups of people can judge what I say or what I do. I'm hoping this blog will also help me overcome this fear and my need for outside approval. So here I go......I will be vulnerable. I will try to not worry about criticisms of what or how I write. I will let go of what others think and do this for my own benefit in hopes that a creative outlet will encourage the discovery of ME! Someone that is easily lost between the bajillion loads of laundry and the endless chasing of children. I know I am in there somewhere and with a very supportive husband and kids - I will find me!! Wish me luck!


  1. WELCOME!!! You are such a great writter! I cannot wait to stalk you errrrr, I mean, read more of what you have to say! LOVE IT!!

  2. You go girlfriend! Can't wait to get to know you better... :)

  3. that is Awesome! I have been wanting to stary a blog too. Good luck, I'm sure you will be a fabulous blogger.

  4. Kayla,
    What an enjoyable read! I didn't know that you were such a good writer and what a great way to be able to express yourself, find out about yourself and share yourself with many others who already love and appreciate you. You are an amazing person and I am really looking forward to following your journey and experiencing life through your eyes.
