Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sisters.........We Are!!

I just returned from the most amazing weekend. I spent four days with one of the most independent, diverse, and beautiful group of women I think I have ever met. What an opportunity! What an adventure! What an experience!! Let me explain....

For a couple of years now, I have been a fan of Mary Jane's Farm in northern Idaho. She's a free, hard working spirit that embraces all that is feminine and all that life has to offer, while helping woman be more self-sufficient. I am part of her Farmgirl Sisterhood and have taken her magazine for the last few years. I also love the Farm Chicks. They are two women who started with a small antique show in Spokane, Washington and are now contributors for County Living magazine, have published two books (which I own and love), and orchestrate one of the biggest antique fairs in the nation. Lastly, I inherited a vintage trailer from my dear Grandma Reeder. I love my little red trailer and have put it to good use while at the fair showing cows, but I have always wanted to restore it and join up with Sisters On the Fly - a group of independent spirited women who meet up during the summer caravaning with their vintage trailers to spend weekends together learning and laughing.

A few years ago, David and I had the opportunity to be guest speakers at Mary Jane's Farm Fair in northern Idaho. Through this experience, I was blessed to meet Rene' Groom. She was instrumental in getting us there and making our time there incredible. She was also willing to come and teach a rag rug making class for our Western Organic Dairy Producers Alliance conference that David and I had to chair. She did a tremendous job and it was so great just to spend time with such a fun-loving, cheerful, loving person. Since that time, we've kept in touch over facebook.

This spring I had decided that I truly wanted to make the trek to Spokane to attend the Farm Chicks antique fair. After I had asked some pals to make the trip with me and it just didn't work out, I was wavering in my resolve. Rene' then posted that she was attending, so I asked if it was worth the trip - thinking I would be making it alone. Much to my delight, she not only said yes, but also invited me to ride along with her as she was meeting up with a group of Sisters On the Fly that were also Farmgirl members. I just about died with joy! Three of my favorite things all rolled into one with time spent with Rene' - what could be better?!!! About nothing!

So I made the trip to Prosser alone to meet up with Rene'. The time was actually enjoyable. I got to stop when I wanted, eat what I wanted, and listen to the music I prefer. Once there, we met up with some other Farmgirls for dinner. It was so fun to hear them share memories of their previous experiences at the Farm Chicks show. The anticipation was building. The next morning, the same group loaded up, hooked up, and headed up to Spokane to camp together along the river. It was actually an awing experience to see these ladies' show of independence as they caravaned up the highway. Plus, it was a cute sight - all those vintage trailers being pulled all in a row!

When we arrived at our camp site, it was so awesome to see the ladies work as a team to back in and park their trailers. Once that was done, the fun began. They all started "staging". This is when they set up their stuff outside their trailer to enhance and welcome guests to come and "check it out". I made the rounds, gathering ideas for my own trailer restoration. These trailers are not just cleaned up and road worthy, they are truly works of art that portray the individual personalities of their owners. I was in heaven!!

The next day we (my new friend, Debra, and I) headed out to the antique show. We had the best time. We made our way through the event without too much trouble - well, the only trouble was that I wanted more than I could haul home and use. I did buy some things for my trailer since I had decided on a color and theme for my project. Debra was so helpful - maybe too helpful. Now comes the work to "get'er done". After, we went back to camp for a quick rest and then we hit the local yard sales. We were very successful, finding deals too good to believe. We had to leave behind a few "treasures" too big for Debra's trip home. I wonder if she is still lamenting her lose.

That evening, we all met up for a lovely dinner and the donning of our tutus. It's tradition to dress up in hip cowgirl garb and laugh and live it up - and that is exactly what we did!! After that, we simply sat around the campfire, exchanging stories and making memories.

I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity! Thank you so much Rene'! Also a big thank you to my other new sisters - Paulette, Bonnie, Jennel, and Debra! My life has been enriched for the time we spent together. I dearly hope that there is more to come. Usually we have sisters by chance - I came out lucky on that one. Now I have sisters by choice too. We are tied together not by blood, but by experience, memories, and our love of each other and an independent spirit. What a lucky girl I am!

*Farm to Table - Pesto Mac n' Cheese


  1. I did not see a recipe? But I am sure I could make one up that worked ;) Rex

  2. Love the post... what fun we had... can't wait for the next meet up....

  3. Great post. Sister's On The Fly are an awesome group of women, I dream of one day joining the group. I also am a recent member of the MaryJane Sisterhood. Thanks to Rene' I found your blog and will continue to read. Feel free to check out my blog at

  4. Rex, it's under the Farm to Table tab on the home page. I'm sure it's not anything new to you! :) Kelly, I will definitely check out your blog! Thanks for the follow guys!!

  5. Found it!! Looks wonderful

