Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day.........Shouldn't It Be Everyday?

It doesn't seem like that long ago that the bulk of my days were filled with Disney movies, Teddy Grahams, and sippy cups. One of Em's favorite movies was the Lion King. I got so tired of watching that movie. There are still parts I'm sure I could quote verbatim. But today, I find myself thinking of the dialogue between Mufasa and Simba about the circle of life. Some pretty fine points were made during their discussion.

With tomorrow being Earth Day, I find myself slightly confused at some of the attitudes that accompany a day set aside for us to marvel at the great gift that we've been given. I'm sure that my own attitude is fostered by the profession that we are engaged in. When you live and breathe the nurture and well being of not only the animals in your care, but soils and plants, it's hard to not be in awe regularly of the power and graciousness of the earth.

I think what disturbs me most, is the fact that many want to politicize this holiday. That if you celebrate it, you must be an extremist. So some, in an effort to make clear that they are not in favor of the extreme, find it necessary to use this holiday to flaunt their objections by making sure that they use, in excess, the resources that are given to us. The reality is, I believe, that there are many that live in between these two extremes - ones that realize that this earth is such a precious gift - a gift from God - and feel a deep responsibility to do what they can to preserve and respect our planet. That kind conviction is not something that you can legislate, it's just too personal and for some, innate.

As parents, we all want to instill in our children those things that will help them be successful - successful in their relationships with others, in their careers, and in their lives. One of the things I hope I can give to each of my children is a deep appreciation, love and respect for all that the earth gives us. It is a precious gift. A gift to be treasured. A gift that sustains us. A gift to be used in a respectful way. And, with that gift, comes responsibility. I hope that they each will embrace that responsibility and take their place as caretakers.

So, I am excited to celebrate Earth Day - a day to pause in awe, appreciation, and humility. A day to go outside and fly a kite, plant some seeds, look at the stars - whatever makes you smile. Hopefully you can find something in this great earth of ours that inspires you to celebrate it! Happy Earth Day!!!

*At our house, we not only celebrate Earth Day, but a true example of a caretaker on all levels, Happy Birthday Grandpa Ellis!!

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