Sunday, September 25, 2011

Heritage Day

Today is a special day at our house. It's not necessarily a day of partying and celebration, but a time of remembrance. David and I both lost a grandparent on the 25th day of September. David lost his grandpa, Norman Roberts, 16 years ago and I lost my grandma, Hedvig Reeder, just two years ago. Last year, we decided that since this was a significant day for both of us, that we would designate it a day in remembrance of all our grandparents - Heritage Day!

We share memories and make G.G.'s famous applesauce cookies - with only 5 chocolate chips. Any more would just be gluttonous!! She definitely knew how to stretch a dollar and make do! Something I have always admired and strive to emulate.

It's been a nice day. Even though bittersweet, we are both grateful for our heritage and hope that our lives will honor those that have gone before us!

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