Monday, February 6, 2012

Beautiful Moon

Waking up at 5:30 a.m. for Maren's basketball practice is starting to get old. This is the last week and I woke up trying to focus on that fact - I needed a positive focus! As we drove up to town, I couldn't help but notice the full moon hovering over the hills. It was a truly a beautiful and peaceful sight.

Why is it that something so distant can have such power over us? It's attributed feelings of romance, shifts in our moods, and control of the tides. I appreciate the reminder that I am small. It seems to put this world in perspective and today, that's just what I needed!

1 comment:

  1. I looked at it too this morning! It reminded me of the moon at the beginning of "New Moon", kind of brownish/yellowish. I, too, am none too upset that this is the end of basketball!
