Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Winter Halo

For the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to get up and take Lottie to her early morning basketball practices.  This means my alarm goes off at 5:15 most mornings.  Once I'm up, I am actually grateful for the chance to have a quiet meditation time before getting the rest of the family up for school.  Just to be honest, every night before my early rising, I hate the idea of getting up over an hour earlier than necessary.

I was pretty beat last night as I climbed into bed around 10:00 p.m. and was happy about my early retirement.  I actually started to fall asleep faster than usual.  I real dream, right?  It didn't last.  Around 10:30, I was startled by Hannah rushing into our room announcing that we MUST go outside and see the moon.  It wasn't good enough to look out the window, she insisted that we had to venture to the porch to truly appreciate the beauty in the sky.

As we looked up at the moon, in the crisp night air, we beheld a moon ring.  I had never really seen one before and was in awe.  Also called a Winter Halo, this phenomenon happens when light from a full moon is reflected off of ice particles in the upper atmosphere.  Folklore has it that a moon ring warns of a winter storm.  You could figure out how many days until it's arrival by counting the stars that were encircled by the ring. From the photo, it looks like we have one day until the snow that would be a dream!

It was so beautiful - no amount of sleep could replace the feeling of wonder in that moment.  Thank you, Hannah!

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