Monday, January 2, 2012

My Resolution: To Find Joy!!

As most do, I begin the new year with a handful of resolutions. Most have to do with bettering myself. We all know the regulars - eating healthier, more exercise, drinking more water, etc. All of these things are good, valid goals, but take a huge amount of self discipline. I am a fan of discipline. Being a mother of six, it should go without saying, a house void of discipline, is a house void of almost anything productive and/or orderly. This year though, I choose to recognize that there can be an overdose of discipline. My personal pendulum seems to swing closer to the imbalance of too much structure and not enough joy. I resolve to find joy, in some form, every day - to be grateful for the smallest of blessings, to be amazed at the beauty around me, and to recognize how incredible even the mundane can be when viewed with a different attitude.

I will continue to try my best to make the most of everyday that I have been given, but I hope that while doing all that is required of me, I don't lose sight of the goodness that surrounds me. I have so much to be grateful for. I have been given gifts that should be used in more creative ways than laundry and cleaning. I will take time to recognize that these gifts should be utilized in ways that bring more joy to my life and to the lives of those around me. I will ALLOW myself to ignore the "have to"s and take time to enjoy the moment - even if it's only for a moment. Through creativity, laughter, or a quiet moment, I will reflect and I will find joy!!!

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